Lots of progress on the community center today. A picture is worth a thousand words, as they say. A special bonus prize for anyone who can tell me the total value (in words) of all the pictures below. I do love math. And I know I said that I needed to tell you about our adventure coming home from the airport but it's 8:00 pm and we've been working hard all day. A Presidente with my name on it awaits!
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Jul 31, 2021
Community Center: At Long Last
Here we go amigos. For years and years it has been a dream of ours to open a community center for teens and youngsters in Madre Vieja. Our first plan, during Campamento #3 in 2015 was to renovate an old space that had been used as a de facto community center (for meetings, karate classes, chess club, things like that) many years ago. But, that plan fizzled due to the ever changing political situation of the country. You see, the space was created and sponsored by the central government so when the PRD (Partido Revolucionario Demócratico) was in control six years ago we had access to the space because the PRD is the party of Doña Yolanda and most of the Montás family (we won't mention those family members who have moved on to other political parties as that's a sore subject. Not really, but it would be interesting if it were) and La Doña is a bigwig in the party. So, we began planning. But then the elections came up and the PRD lost and all of its initiatives, including the support our community center went by the wayside.
So, five minutes has now passed since I wrote that last sentence because as I was writing it I wondered where the expression "gone by the wayside" came from and because I am writing on a computer and connected to the interweb I have easy access to lots of information. So, I looked it up. Here's what I found on Wixtionary:
From the Parable of the Sower told by Jesus and recorded in the New Testament of the Bible, the term appearing in Matthew 13:4, Mark 4:4, and Luke 8:5. The parable is the story of a farmer who sows seed, and “some fell by the wayside, and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it” (Luke 8:5).[1]
Hmm. That's interesting right? This last statement was then interpreted by the author of the New Testament to have some sort of critical religious meaning but this is not the space for such ... digressions.
So, where was I? Oh yeah ... on to Plan B, which was to build our own community center, but we never really had the funds for that and so we have moved on to Plan C, which is to find a space to rent out, staff, and furnish. And due to some serious fundraising efforts and a big old grant we got from the Burkehaven Family Foundation (BFF - in the texting definition as well) we now have the funds to make this dream a reality. Oy, that sounds so corny. How about this: 'to put Plan C into action'. Mejor?
And we're just about there. Here's a picture of the space we found: