It was then that it dawned on me that they had never worked in groups like I wanted them to. Or at least they hadn't been divided into groups like that. You know I've been doing this long enough you would think that I could've anticipated this development -- especially after claiming yesterday that I have been dominicanized -- but I guess not. These little differences in the educational experiences of gringos and Dominicanos keep on popping up when I least expect them to. The teachers just don't put kids in groups here to learn. It's as simple as that. On the other hand maybe I just don't speak Spanish all that well.
In any event, I'm not easily deterred from my plans so we counted off again and I worked harder to explain what I wanted the kids to do and it all worked out. We even did some pair shares and some wait time work; pretty advanced stuff but manageable once I learned that I needed to be precise and explicit in explaining what I wanted to happen. Again, after teaching for 22 years you would think that I would already know this.
Here's what one group wrote about community:
Students working on their journals: