
Aug 8, 2021

Teen Leader Reflections

 This summer we were lucky to have Zach and Alex, two Massachusetts teenagers accompany us on this grand adventure to get the community center up and running. I big part of Las Margaritas since 2015 has been the collaboration between teen leaders from the U.S. and the Dominican Republic. We didn't really think we could pull it off this year because of, well, COVID. But, at the last minute Zach and Alex stepped up and were able to come. And I can't say enough about how much help they were, painting, putting furniture together, cleaning, just so willing and excited to do everything we asked of them. And then when the Center opened they jumped right in and worked with the children.

I have to say that I'm not sure we could've pulled this off without their help. But, you've heard enough from me. Here are some of their reflections:

On the opening of the camp:

Hoy es el primer dia de otras personas entre al centro por los actividades. En la mañana muchos chicos expresaron sus habilidades con los dibjujos y las rompecabezas. En la tarde el Centro está aborratado. Los niños dibujaron picturas bonitas, construyeron con Legos, y incluso jugaron beisbol. Los niños se divirtieron much y también los consejeros.

                                                                                Alex Cohen

On their last day:

Today was the perfect sendoff from our experience of being in the Dominican Republic for one week. It was one of culture, relaxation, gratitude, and most importantly, work. Waking up around 8am, Alex, Yasi and I went and got our Covid test and luckily we were all negative. Once that was taken care of we had a little beach excursion for a couple of hours and to say that was relaxing would be an understatement. Returning at around 2:30 we had a big lunch. We headed over to el Centro to work with the kids from 3 - 5. We played checkers, picked out books, and overall had a very productive time. Once the shift ended we found ourselves relaxing again until yet another large feast was given to us via a surprise form Carmen y la abuela. Now we are ready for bed and I can sleep easy knowing I put my best effort into someone else's dream who was generous enough to give me the opportunity to dos. so. 

                                                                                  Zach Snyder